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National Library of the Republic of Karelia

Vitalia Romashina: New Heights in Diagnostics


Vitalia Romashina is a clinician of the diagnostic laboratory in V. A. Baranov Republican Hospital. After taking a number of IDEA courses and acquiring basic computer and Internet skills, she began to use her new knowledge and skills in every aspect of her professional work.


According to Vitalia Romashina, the сourses she took at the IDEA Center have prompted her to further self-development, which is very important for a modern physician. She no longer writes out by hand all the requests for new diagnostic laboratory equipment but processes them on her computer. She uses Internet resources for her research on medical equipment companies, features of new equipment and modern technologies in laboratory diagnostics, which makes her work significantly faster and easier. And her skills in working with graphs, charts and tables stand her well in writing routine work reports. Moreover, after taking the IDEA courses Vitalia began to use e-mail much more extensively, and now her professional communication with colleagues is much more prompt and efficient. Even more importantly, Vitalia's new computer skills have enabled her to master the multifunctional analyzer “Victor,” used for early diagnostics and treatment of hereditary diseases, much more quickly and effectively. “It has been a great achievement for me!” says Vitalia Romashina. “It’s wonderful to have a chance to study and reach new heights.”

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