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NTC NGO for Additional Professional Education
Address:644046 Омск ул.5-я Линия д.157-а оф.203
Coordinator: Irina Murovets
Phone:(3812) 377243, 377236
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
WWW: www.ntc-edu.ru
Currently 124 people have received training at IDEA computer courses and seminars, including 100 participants of 13 Microsoft Unlimited Potential courses.

Center Worktime:
Mon. Tue. Wed. Thu. Fri. Sat. Sun.
Coordinators photo Irina Murovets
Coordinator, Trainer
Trainers photo Mariya Urazbakhtina
NTC NGO for Additional Professional Education
A Letter of Appreciation: A Nice New Year Gift
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Истории успеха
фотогалерея проекта

Omsk , Computer Fundamentals

1 14.01.2010 - 26.01.2010 Computer Fundamentals
Period From:   Period To:  

Executive Summary:
0   Users of IDEA centers
0   User visits to IDEA centers
100   People Trained at  13 Unlimited Potential Courses
24   People Trained at  2 Other IDEA Site Seminars & Courses
8   Trainers Trained at  1 IDEA Site Seminars & Courses
65   People Trained at  26 Individual Instruction Hours
78   People Trained at  17 Consultation Instruction Hours
9   People with other abilities participated in 3 events
0   IDEA Apperances in Russian mass media
IDEA Network Target Audience
48.25%   Unemployed
42.11%   Student
9.65%   Employed
  Of those who are employed
9.09%   Household and municipal services
27.27%   Management
18.18%   Nonprofit Organizations
18.18%   Sales
27.27%   Other fields of activity

IDEA Unlimited Potential Courses:
N Course Provided # Users # Certificates
1 833-00120 - Database Fundamentals 0   0   0  
2 833-00121 - Presentation Fundamentals 0   0   0  
3 833-00123 - Spreadsheet Fundamentals 0   0   0  
4 833-00125 - Internet and World Wide Web Fundamentals 0   0   0  
5 833-00187 - Computer Fundamentals 12   92   92  
6 833-00189 - Digital Media Fundamentals 0   0   0  
7 833-00193 - Web Design Fundamentals 0   0   0  
8 833-00194 - Word Processing Fundamentals 1   8   8  
TOTAL : 13   100   100  

IDEA Student Evaluation Statistics


Question 1. Training Objectives
Learn skills for work 31,19 % 34 of 109 individuals
Prepare for a career change 5,5 % 6 of 109 individuals
Learn skills for personal use 63,3 % 69 of 109 individuals
Other    0 % 0 of 109 individuals
Question 2. Course name
Word Processing Fundamentals 7,33 % 8 of 109 individuals
Computer Fundamentals 100 % 109 of 109 individuals
Question 3. The course material was appropriate to my needs Average score = 4,9
strongly disagree 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
2 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
3 0,91 % 1 of 109 individuals
4 7,33 % 8 of 109 individuals
strongly agree 91,74 % 100 of 109 individuals
Question 4. The course materials were organized logically Average score = 4,93
strongly disagree 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
2 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
3 0,91 % 1 of 109 individuals
4 4,58 % 5 of 109 individuals
strongly agree 94,49 % 103 of 109 individuals
Question 5. The examples in the written text helped me understand the technical content Average score = 4,9
strongly disagree 0,91 % 1 of 109 individuals
2 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
3 0,91 % 1 of 109 individuals
4 3,66 % 4 of 109 individuals
strongly agree 94,49 % 103 of 109 individuals
Question 6. The practice exercises helped me improve my technology skills Average score = 4,91
strongly disagree 0,91 % 1 of 109 individuals
2 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
3 0,91 % 1 of 109 individuals
4 2,75 % 3 of 109 individuals
strongly agree 95,41 % 104 of 109 individuals
Question 7. The overall quality of the course materials was sufficient to meet my objectives in question #1 above. Average score = 4,91
strongly disagree 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
2 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
3 0,91 % 1 of 109 individuals
4 6,42 % 7 of 109 individuals
strongly agree 92,66 % 101 of 109 individuals
Question 8. Overall, how satisfied are you with the course Average score = 4,95
very dissatisfied 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
2 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
3 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
4 4,58 % 5 of 109 individuals
very satisfied 95,41 % 104 of 109 individuals
Question 9. I have learned new knowledge and skills from this training Average score = 4,88
strongly disagree 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
2 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
3 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
4 11,92 % 13 of 109 individuals
strongly agree 88,07 % 96 of 109 individuals
Question 10. I will be able to use the skills I learned to help me find employment Average score = 4,81
strongly disagree 3,66 % 4 of 109 individuals
2 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
3 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
4 3,66 % 4 of 109 individuals
strongly agree 92,66 % 101 of 109 individuals
Question 11. I will be able to improve my job performance with the skills I learned in this course Average score = 4,75
strongly disagree 4,58 % 5 of 109 individuals
2 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
3 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
4 6,42 % 7 of 109 individuals
strongly agree 88,99 % 97 of 109 individuals
Question 12. Please rate your skill level or knowledge of this content at the end of this course, compared with your skill level when you started Average score = 9,47
no increase 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
2 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
3 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
4 1,83 % 2 of 109 individuals
5 1,83 % 2 of 109 individuals
6 0 % 0 of 109 individuals
7 2,75 % 3 of 109 individuals
8 4,58 % 5 of 109 individuals
9 14,67 % 16 of 109 individuals
big increase 74,31 % 81 of 109 individuals
Question 13. How did you take this course
Independently, mainly by the printed matters 1,83 % 2 of 109 individuals
Independently, mainly by a computer 0,91 % 1 of 109 individuals
With a teacher, mainly by the printed matters 0,91 % 1 of 109 individuals
With a teacher, mainly by a computer 6,42 % 7 of 109 individuals
Independently, by a computer and printed matters 0,91 % 1 of 109 individuals
With a teacher, by a computer and printed matters 88,99 % 97 of 109 individuals
Question 14. Другие комментарии   
Благодарю за науку. 1 of 109 individuals
Большое спасибо волонтеров Жени и Нади, очень грамотные ребята 1 of 109 individuals
Большое спасибо преподавателям. 1 of 109 individuals
В учебном центре отличные препадователи и волонтеры, спасибо учебному центру и проекту "Открытый мир информационных технологий" 1 of 109 individuals
Для начинающего маловато занятий 1 of 109 individuals
Для начинающего-маловато 1 of 109 individuals
Жаль, что нет возможности работать с компьютером дома, так что жду спонсорской поддержки. 1 of 109 individuals
Мне очень понравилось 1 of 109 individuals
Очень полезные курсы. Хотелось бы продолжить обучение по программам по работе с цифровыми фотографиями и фильмами. 1 of 109 individuals
Очень хороший учебный центор. Спасибо большое за курсы. 1 of 109 individuals
Очень хорошо,что вы обучаете пенсионеров бесплатно. Мы тоже не хотим отставать от технического прогресса 1 of 109 individuals
С помощью печатного материала,компьютера и помощников 1 of 109 individuals
Спасибо 1 of 109 individuals
Спасибо за знания. 1 of 109 individuals
Спасибо. 1 of 109 individuals

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